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Image by frankie cordoba

"Letters from the Grave" 

Creative Writing Contest

Overview: Over the last couple of years, months, even days, several black males and females have lost their lives to excessive force used by police officers. Since they are no longer with us physically, be their voice.

Prize: $100.00


All Submissions must be received by July 31, 2020, 11:59 pm






Creative Writing Contest Rules

Eligible for ages 12-18

1. Select one of the following angels to write about: Rayshard Brooks, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Atiana Jefferson, Eric Garner, Philando Castille, Sandra Bland, Mike Brown, Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin, etc.

*You can select a person that is not mentioned above, but you must be able to include supporting details/facts in your writing that helps identify them


2. Acceptable forms of submission include: Creative Writing Essay, Rap/Song, Poem, Speech, Comic Strip, or Poster. If you are submitting a comic strip or poster, please email it to with the Subject line: Letters from the Grave Contest Entry. In the form below, you must also provide a description/explanation of your art work in a minimum of 250 words. 


3. Express yourself from the voice of the person you select. How do you think he/she feels knowing the world is saying his/her name. Consider the punishment the police officers received; consider the protests in their honor; consider how their families feel, etc. Be as creative and expressive as you wish. 

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